23 July 2013

Ok, back to France - Tuesday

Ok, where were we?  Oh yes, Tuesday.  Let's go back in time.....

On Monday I had hiked up to a chateau and then had a really late (and wonderful) BBQ, if you recall.  So, the directive when we got home was to sleep until I woke up, and not to set an alarm.  For those of you playing along at home, you might remember that my jet lag management had dipped below acceptable standards, and that I was already a bit behind on my sleep.  I did manage to set an alarm for 10:30, but it dragged me up from the depths of a Very Deep Sleep indeed.  

So our plan for that day was as follows:  pack a picnic lunch, pile into the car, drive to Switzerland and go to the Fondation Beyeler, a museum in the city of Basel.  We ate our picnic lunch in the little park next to the museum, went in and saw exhibitions by Max Ernst and Andy Warhol, and a particularly disturbing work of art involving taxidermied, decapitated horses. Ick. On our way back to Altkirch, we stopped off and picked up Isa's daughter, who had been staying at her godfather's house.  We lounged around for about an hour, chatting with them and watching the kids shoot water guns at each other and swing on the swing set.  Oh, and I painted Chloe's nails! When we got back to Isa's house, I'm pretty certain that I took a nap for an hour or so.  Here's a travel tip that I didn't follow: stay hydrated when traveling, it helps you to adjust to changing time zones so you're not a zombie.  

After my nap, we went over to her Mom's house for dinner, and then Isa and I dashed off to the movies for a girls' night, just like we did last year when I'd stay with them on weekends.  This time we saw Pour Une Femme, a non-subtitled French film about love, spies and intrigue following World War II.  We both really liked it, and I hope I'll be able to find it on DVD sometime by the end of the year!

Here are the few pics I took that day, and coming up next is the post about Wednesday!

The Fondation Beyeler, as seen from the park where we ate lunch

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